The nerve supply to the pharynx (motor and most of sensory) derives from the pharyngeal plexus of nerves.
Motor supply
Motor fibers in the plexus are derived from the vagus nerve (CN X) via its pharyngeal branch or branches. They supply all muscles of the pharynx and soft palate, except the stylopharyngeus (supplied by CN IX) and the tensor veli palatini (supplied by CN V3). The inferior pharyngeal constrictor also receives some motor fibers from the external and recurrent laryngeal branches of the vagus.
Sensory Supply
Sensory fibers in the plexus are derived from the glossopharyngeal nerve. They supply most of the mucosa of all three parts of the pharynx. The sensory nerve supply of the mucous membrane of the anterior and superior nasopharynx is mainly from the maxillary nerve (CN V2).