1. What type of therapy should be used with the acute stage of RA?
A) Active ROM B) isometrics C) passive ROM D) joint mobilizations
Ans: Passive ROM
2. What type of therapy should be used in the subacute stage of RA?
A)Active ROM B) isometrics C) passive ROM D) joint mobilizations
Ans: Active ROM
3. In OA or RA is complete bed rest or regular rest periods indicated?
Ans: RA
4. In OA or RA should splinting and use of assistive devices be used?
Ans: Both OA and RA
MCQ.Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis Question with Answer P.1
MCQ.Shoulder & Rotator cuff Question with Answer P.1
MCQ.Question’s -lower limb with answer P.2
5. What should the patient education be focused on in OA and RA patients?
Ans:Patient education on disease process, energy conservation,body mechanics, joint protection techniques
6.What is rheumatism?
Ans: Non-specific term for medical problems affecting the joints and connective tissues
7. What are some conditions that present with rheumatism?
Ans: OA, RA, JRA, gout, systemic lupus erythematosus, ankylosing spondylitis
8. What is rheumatism characterized by?
Ans: Inflammation, degeneration or metabolic derangement of the connective tissue, soreness, joint pain, stiffness of muscles
9. What does the PT exam consist of for a patient who has rheumatism?
Ans: Measurement of independence with functional activities, measurement of joint inflammation, measurement of joint ROM, determination of limiting factors including pain, weakness, and fatigue
10. What should you measure in the joints in a person with rheumatism?
Ans: Joint ROM and joint inflammation