1. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is different from some other forms of arthritis because of it…
A.Is more painful than other forms
B.Occurs below the waist
C.Is symmetrical, affecting the right and left sides of the body
D. Generally, occurs above the waist
2. Rheumatoid arthritis is more severe in…
Ans: B
3. What are the early signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (RA)?
A.Joint pain, tenderness, redness, and swelling
B.Loss of joint range of motion
D.All of the above
4. The term arthritis refers to stiffness in the joints.
Ans: B
5. Rheumatology is the branch of medicine that involves the study of…
A.The immune system
B.Musculoskeletal (muscles and bones) system
C.Rheumatic diseases
D.All of the above
6. Surgery is the only way to treat RA.
Ans: B
- MCQ.Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis Question with Answer P.3
- MCQ.Shoulder & Rotator cuff Question with Answer P.1
- MCQ.Question’s -lower limb with answer P.2
7. With rheumatoid arthritis, deformity of the joints is caused by chronic inflammation.
Ans: A
8.People with rheumatoid arthritis experience the most stiffness at night.
Ans: B
9. Surgery is the only way to treat RA.
Ans: B
10. The sudden appearance or worsening of RA symptoms is referred to as an(n)…
Ans: B
11. Will orthopedic surgical intervention be effective in OA or RA?
Ans: OA because RA is more of a systemic disease
12. In what joints does RA start?
Ans: Onset may occur first at any joint but it is common to find it in the small joints of the hand, foot, wrist and ankle
13. What types of exercises would you do for patients with osteoarthritis?
Ans: Isometric followed by gradual progression to isotonic exercise
14. Where do you find Heberden’s nodes and Bouchard’s nodes; in RA or OA?
Ans: OA
15. What are the short-term goals of a patient with rheumatism in the acute stage?
Ans: Alleviate pain, Decrease inflammation maintain strength and endurance to activity
16. What can you provide to help the patient with rheumatism in the acute stage to be safe with motion?
Ans: Provide splinting and/or assistive devices to increase safety
17. What would you want the patient with rheumatism to be independent with as a long-term goal?
Ans: Proper body mechanics, reduction of biomechanical stressors, exercise program
18. What things do you want your patient with rheumatism to maximize as part of their long-term goal?
Ans: Functional mobility, endurance to tolerate ADL