Liver disease: Liver disease is stereotypically linked to alcohol or drugs, there are more than 100 different types of liver disease and affecting from infants to older adults.
The liver is the second largest organ in the body. It works hard, performing complex functions, including:
- Fighting infections and illness
- Controlling cholesterol levels
- Removing toxins, such as alcohol, from the body
- Helping blood to clot
- Releasing bile, that helps to digestion
Liver disease doesn’t usually any obvious signs or symptoms until it’s fairly advanced. At this stage, possible symptoms can include reduced appetite, weight loss, and jaundice.
Types of Liver Disease
- Alcohol-related liver disease – this can lead to cirrhosis (scarring liver)
- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease – overweight people or those who are obese
- Hepatitis – inflammation of the liver by a viral infection or harmful substances such as alcohol
- Hemochromatosis – an inherited disorder where a gradual build-up of iron in our body, usually around the liver
- Primary biliary cirrhosis – a rare & long-term type of liver disease that damages the bile ducts
All types of liver disease can cause cirrhosis (scarring liver), not the just alcohol-related liver disease.
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Symptoms of Liver Diseases
- Weight loss,
- Weakness and fatigue,
- Yellow discolouration of the skin (jaundice)
- Nausea and vomiting.
Causes of Liver Disease & Preventive Measure
- Obesity
- Undiagnosed hepatitis infection
- Alcohol misuse
These causes are preventable so it’s important to make sure:
- Healthy weight for your height; use the BMI healthy weight calculator
- Avoid drinking excessive amounts of alcohol;
- Take appropriate measures to prevent hepatitis, such as getting vaccinated if you at risk