Hyperopia: Hyperopia, or farsightedness, a medically termed, is a common vision difficulty, in which distant objects can be perceived clearly, but close ones do not come into proper focus. About a fourth of the population is affected by this vision problem, Hyperopia. The condition is sometimes referred to as “hypermetropia” rather than hyperopia.
People experience hyperopia individually. Some people may not notice any difficulties with their eyesight, particularly when they are young. For people with notable hyperopia, vision can be blurry for objects at any length, near or far. It is an eye focusing dysfunction, not an eye disease.
Symptoms of Hyperopia
- Farsighted people sometimes have headaches
- Nearby objects may appear blurry
- You have eyestrain, including burning eyes, and aching in or around the eyes
- You need to squint to see clearly
- Some of the signs and symptoms of hyperopia include difficulty with close tasks like reading, writing, computer work or drawing.
Causes of Hyperopia/Hypermetropia
This vision problem occurs when light rays entering the eye focus behind the retina, the layer of light-sensitive cells lining the back of the eye. Hyperopia occurs when the eye is shorter than normal or has a cornea that is too flat. Generally, this enables you to see distant objects moderately clearly but near objects will appear more blurred.
Many children are born farsighted. Sometimes people confuse hyperopia with presbyopia, which also causes near vision problems but for different reasons.
Diagnosis of Hyperopia
Your eye physician can diagnose hyperopia as part of a comprehensive eye examination, where you are required to read letters on a chart placed at the other end of the room and other measures.
If the vision test designates that you are farsighted, your physician will use certain examination devices to learn what is creating the hyperopia.
Treatment of Hyperopia
Farsightedness can be fixed with glasses or contact lenses to transform the way light rays bend into the eyes. They act by refocusing light rays on the retina, compensating for the shape of your eye. They can also better protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet light rays. If the glasses or contact lens prescription, like +2.50, you are farsighted.
In other instances, people may prefer to correct hyperopia with LASIK or ICL surgery. These surgical methods are utilized to correct or improve your vision by reshaping the cornea, or front surface of the eye, effectively adjusting the eye’s focusing ability. Surgery may diminish or eliminate your need to wear glasses or contact lenses.
You may need to wear glasses or contacts all the time or only when you reading, working on a computer or doing other close work.
Investigational methods involving corneal implants may be a future choice for correcting hyperopia.
Complications of Hyperopia
Farsightedness can be associated with several problems, such as:
- Crossed eyes
- Reduced quality of life
- Eyestrain
- Impaired safety