Contact lens: The contact lens is a thin lens placed directly on the surface of the eye. Contact lenses are considered medical devices and can be worn to correct vision, or for cosmetic or therapeutic reasons.
How contact lens work
Contact lenses are small prescription lenses, worn in with the eye. They are designed to correct refractive faults such as are nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism or presbyopia and support ocular health. Contact lenses are float on the tear film layer on the surface of the cornea.
The contact lens’ goal is to redirect the light into an only focal point on the retina, therefore altering correct vision. Contact lenses serve by fine-tuning the light into the eyes, comparable to the way a magnifying glass focuses sunlight to a single point.
Modern contacts are extremely more than small eyeglass lenses that fit onto the eyes. Since the lenses stick to the tear fluid on the eye surface, they move consistently with you. This is an advantage contact have over glasses.
Types Of Contact Lenses
Bifocal Contact Lenses can render clear vision at all ranges after age 40.
Bifocal Contact Lenses uses for Astigmatism correct both presbyopia and astigmatism.
Color Contact Lenses give your eyes a dramatic new look.
Custom Contact Lenses are an option for correct vision problems.
Daily Disposable Contact Lenses give you convenience and healthy wearing experience.
Extended Wear Contact Lenses are allowed for overnight wear.
Gas Permeable (GP) Contact Lenses usually provide sharper sight than soft lenses.
Monovision Contact Lenses is a stable alternative to bifocal contact lenses if you become presbyopia.
Orthokeratology Lenses allow correction-free sight during the day.
Prosthetic Contact Lenses mask eye injuries.
Scleral Contact Lens for irregular corneas, dry eyes and more
Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lens transmit enhanced more oxygen to your eyes.
Special-Effect Contact Lenses give you a vampire, Goth, monster, and anime look.
Toric Contact Lenses are correct astigmatism.
Contact lenses Advantages
- Contact lenses move with your eye, provide a natural field of view, have no frames to obstruct your vision.
- Contact lenses are best for sports and other physical exercises.
- Unlike glasses, they do not fog up or get splattered by rain.
- Many people believe they look immeasurable in contact lenses.
Compared to eyeglasses, they may offer safer, more natural sight.
Contact lenses Disadvantages
- Compared with glasses, contact lenses need a longer initial review and more follow-up visits to sustain eye health. Lens care also needs more time.
- If you are going to wear Contact lens, you will have to clean and store them accurately, adhere to lens-wearing schedules and make assignments for follow-up care.
- If you are wearing disposable lenses, you will have to correctly follow the schedule for throwing away used lenses.
How to Put In Contact Lenses
(Step by Step)
1. Wash and dry your hands.
2: Rinse lenses using solution to remove dirt or debris.
3: Put the lens on the tip of your index finger. Make sure the lens is not inside out by monitoring the marker if proper.
4: Applying your free hand, hold your upper eyelid that you don’t blink.
5: Doing the free fingers of the inserting hand, pull down on your lower eyelid.
6: Looking up, put the lens on the lower part of your eye.
7: Slowly withdraw your hand from your eyelid deducting your eye to close for a moment.
8: Blink a few times freely, so that the lens centers.
9: If the lens feels harsh or hurts your eye, take it out and check for debris. If the lens is scratched, then throw it away. Unless use solution to rinse it and reinsert.
How to Remove a Contact Lens
(Step by Step)
1: Wash and dry your hands.
2: Looking up, pull down your lower eyelid.
3: Touch the inferior edge of the lens with your index finger.
4: Slide the contact lens down to the white part of your eye.
5: Applying your thumb and index finger, squeeze the lens smoothly and eliminate it.
How to clean Contact Lens
- Wash your hands with soap and dry before touching your contact lenses. Use antibacterial soap if possible.
- Applying contact lens cleaning solution every time. Don’t use tap or sterile water, saline solution.
Contact Lens Costs
Many factors affect contact lens cost and prices frequently fluctuate, it’s tough to describe lens costs exactly.
But generally addressing, if you are nearsighted and are prescribed a popular brand of disposable soft contact lenses, these lenses are sold at a retail price of $22 to $26 for a box of six lenses.
If you substitute your contacts generally every two weeks, this means you need approximately five boxes (30 lenses) per eye or a total of 10 boxes per year. This comes with a yearly contact lens price of approximately $220 to $260.
Popular Contact Lens Brand
- Biofinity
- SofLens