Gingivitis(Gum): Gum disease is an inflammation of the gum line where the gums become swollen, sore or infected, that can progress to affect the bone that surrounds and supports the teeth.
Types of Gum Disease-
There are three stages of gum disease that from least to most severe —
2. Periodontitis &
3.Advanced periodontitis.
Gum Disease Symptoms
Early symptoms of gum disease-
Swollen and red gums
Bleeding of the gums after brushing or flossing, this stage is known as gingivitis.
Advanced symptoms of gum disease-
If gingivitis is not treated, the tissues and bone that support the teeth also become affected. This stage is known as periodontitis.
Symptoms of this stage can include:
Bad breath
An unpleasant taste in the mouth
Gum abscesses
Eating difficulties
Ulcerative gingivitis
In rare cases, vulnerable acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG) can develop suddenly. The symptoms of ANUG are more severe than those of gum disease and may include:
- Bleeding with painful gums
- Painful ulcers
- Excessive saliva in the mouth
- Receding gums in between teeth
- A rise in body temperature (fever)
- Bad breath
- A metallic taste in your mouth
- Difficulty in swallowing and also talking
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Causes of Gum Diseases
Gum disease is commonly caused by plaque—a thick film of bacteria composing on gums and teeth that remove daily by brushing, flossing. Early gum disease is reversible—so it may be time to pick up some incipient salubrious habits. Dental checkups at least every 6 months is additionally key.
Smoking interferes with the mundane function of gum tissue cells, vulnerable susceptible to infections like gum disease.
If you have diabetes, you have a higher risk of getting gingivitis
Crooked Teeth
If you have overlap your teeth, are crooked or rotate, this can engender a breeding ground for gum disease. That’s because misalignments engender more spaces where plaque can build up and harm your teeth and gums.
Prescription Medication
Medications may have a side effect of dampening saliva engendering and flow, leaving a dry mouth where bacteria can more easily spread. If you’re concerned about the status of your gums, discuss any medications you are on with your physicians.
Hormonal Shifts
When you’re pregnant, or typical monthly menstrual cycles, hormones can elevate and fall, making gums more susceptible to gum disease. It just designates you’ll want to take extra-special care of your teeth during this time to maintain oral health.
Familial History
If there has been a history of gum disease in your family, as it may put you at scarcely incremented risk for developing the bacterial infection.
Nutritional Deficiencies
It’s strenuous exertion to get all daily vitamins, but when you’re not getting enough vitamin C, this especially harmful to your gums. A diet that is high in sugar and carbohydrates and low in the water and vitamin C is a recipe for gum problems.
Prevention of Gum Disease
Establish a Daily Oral Care Routine-Twice daily brushing and flossing once a day will help keep plaque from causing problems.
See Your Dentist Regularly-Seeing a dentist at least every six months is a great way to keep the mouth clean and healthy.
Practice Good Habits-Brush twice daily, Eat a healthy & balanced diet
Use Mouthwash- Mouthwash is clinically proven to prevent and reduce gingivitis.
Treatment of Gum Disease
The best way to treat gum disease is to practising good oral hygiene,
Daily brushing(two times) and flossing once a day will help keep plaque from causing problems.
- Using toothpaste that contains the right amount of fluoride, flossing your teeth regularly – preferably daily, before brushing your teeth.
- Avoid smoking
- Regularly visiting your dentist – Seeing a dentist at least every six months
- Mouthwash-Use antiseptic mouthwashes that containing chlorhexidine are available over the counter at your local pharmacies.
Dental treatments for gum disease:
You may also be recommended if you have gum disease.
- Scale and polish
- To abstract plaque and tartar that may build up on the teeth, your dentist may suggest teeth scaled and polished.
- Root planing-In some cases of gum disease, root orchestrating may be required. This is a deep clean under the gums that dispense bacteria from the roots of your teeth.
Before the treatment, you may need a local anaesthetic to numb the area. You may experience some pain and discomfort after having root planning (for up to 48 hours). - Antibiotics -Antibiotics, such as metronidazole or amoxicillin, can be recommended if have ANUG. Usually, have to take these for three days.
- Painkillers-Paracetamol /Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are the most commonly prescribed painkillers.
- In advanced cases, a dentist or periodontist may also recommend gum surgery.
Reduce Gum Swelling By Home Remedies
- Warm and Cold Compresses-Alternate warm and cold compresses can quick relief for sore, swollen gums as they reduce pain and swelling. You need to hold the warm and cold compresses against your face alternately, not directly on the swollen gums. Hold the cloth against your face for 5 minutes. Repeat the cycle 2 or 3 more times.
- Salt Water-Salt is another efficacious remedy for swollen gums. It inhibits magnification of bacteria in the mouth and obviates infections that may contribute to several oral health issues.
- After brushing teeth with a soft-bristle toothbrush, gently rub your gums with salt for a few seconds.
- Another option is to integrate ½ to 1 teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water and utilize it to rinse your mouth twice daily until the swelling subsides.
- Hydrogen Peroxide-Hydrogen peroxide can reduce gum inflammation and pain. It can even avail kill germs and fight oral quandaries(problem).Mix equal components of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide solution and water. Swish the solution around gums and teeth for 30 seconds. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with hydrogen peroxide to make a paste. Rub this paste on gums, wait 1 minute and then rinse your mouth exhaustively with water. Use these treatments 2 or 3 times a week.
- Turmeric-Turmeric is additionally a good home remedy for swollen gums. It contains curcumin, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can avail reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation. In integration, it averts the spread of bacterial activity that causes several types of oral problems.