Core Strengthening Exercises: Core strength exercises strengthen the core muscles, including abdominal muscles, back muscles, and muscles around the pelvis. Strong core muscles make many physical activities easier to do. Core strength exercises strengthen the core muscles, including abdominal muscles, back muscles, and muscles around the pelvis. Strong core muscles make many physical activities easier to do.
You can take core strength exercises on a carpeted floor or mat. Focus on tightening the transversus abdominis, the deepest abdominal muscle.
Repeat each of these core strength exercises five times. As your core strength improves, then up to 10 to 15 repetitions. If you have back problems, talk to your physical therapist before doing these core strength exercises.
Static Floor Exercises
Plank Maintain a straight body position, supported on elbows and toes.
Side plank The side plank improves spinal stability, as well as upper-body and core strength, with an emphasis on the obliques. The exercise also increases balance Lie on side on the mat. Place forearm on mat under shoulder perpendicular to the body.
Bridge Although the bridge is an effective glute-toning exercise, it also works the rest of your core, which includes your abdominous muscles. Lie on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Superman Kneel on the floor and place the hands below your shoulders and knees below your hips. Extend right leg back and the left arm forward. Repeat with opposite limbs.
Dynamic Floor Exercises
Side lying hip abduction Lie on your side with your top hip above the lower hip. Oblique crunch Lie on your back with your right ankle resting on your left knee. Right arm is placed on the floor out to the side. Keeping the right shoulder down, and curl the left shoulder up to the right knee. Repeat with opposite limbs.