Avocados: The avocado is a tree that is native to South Central Mexico, relegated as a member of the flowering plant family Lauraceae. Avocado additionally refers to the tree’s fruit, which is botanically an astronomically immense berry containing a single seed.
Avocados are commercially valuable and cultivated in tropical and Mediterranean climates throughout the world. They have a green-skinned, fleshy body that may pear-shaped, egg-shaped, or spherical. Commercially, they ripen after harvesting. Avocado trees are partially self-pollinating and may often be propagated through grafting to maintain a prognosticable quality and quantity of the fruit.
Nutrients Facts of Avocados:
A typical avocado (100 g) is moderate to opulent in several B vitamins and vitamin K, and good content of vitamin C, vitamin E, and potassium. Avocados additionally contain phytosterols and carotenoids, such as lutein and zeaxanthin.
Avocados have diverse fats.
A typical avocado:
About 75% of avocado’s energy comes from fat, most of which is monounsaturated fat as oleic acid.
Other fats include palmitic acid and linoleic acid.
The saturated adipose(fat) content amounts to 14% of the total fat.
Typical total fat composition is roughly: 1% omega-3, 14% omega-6, 71% omega-9 (65% oleic and 6% palmitoleic), and 14% saturated fat(palmitic acid).
Although costly to produce, nutrient-opulent avocado oil has diverse uses for salads or cooking and in cosmetics products.
Health Benefits of Avocados:
Avocados are a superfood
1. Avocados can help you lose weight
Half of an avocado contains 3.4 grams of fiber, including soluble and insoluble, both of which are needs to keep the digestive system running smoothly. Plus, soluble fiber slows the breakdown of carbohydrates in your body, that helping you feel full for longer.
2. Avocados are packed with carotenoids
An avocado a great source of lutein, a carotenoid that works as an antioxidant and avails protect against ocular perceived(eye) disease. They additionally contain carotenoids zeaxanthin, alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and as well as tocopherol (vitamin E).
3. Avocados protect your unborn baby and your heart
One cup of avocado provides virtually a quarter of your recommended daily intake of folate, a vitamin that cuts the risk of birth defects. If You’re Pregnant or planning avocados will protect your unborn baby.
4. Avocados can stabilize blood sugar
Affluent, creamy, and packed with monounsaturated fat, avocado slows digestion and avails keep blood sugar from spiking after a meal. Diet high in good fats may even avail reverse insulin resistance, which translates to steadier blood sugar long-term.
Other benefits:
- Contain More Potassium Than Bananas
- Avocados Can Lower Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels
- Eat Avocados Tend to be Healthier
- Avocado May Help Prevent Cancer
- Avocado Extract May Help Relieve Symptoms of Arthritis
- Avocado is Delicious and Easy to Incorporate in The Diet
Adverse Effect of Avocados:
- Avoid During Breast Feeding-It may reduce milk production.
- Adverse Effects Of Avocado-Some people who consumed avocado suffered from like flu, paralysis, nausea, gastrointestinal disorder, vomiting, migraine, fever, drowsiness, and asthma.
- Reduce Cholesterol- If you consume it in the large amount, it will harm your body as Avocado is rich in beta-sitosterol that absorbs necessary cholesterol from the body.